


Physiotherapy treatment can play a crucial role in managing headaches by addressing the underlying causes and providing relief from symptoms. Headaches can have various origins, such as tension, muscular imbalances, poor posture, or neck and spine issues. A skilled physiotherapist can assess the specific factors contributing to the headaches and design a targeted treatment plan to alleviate the pain and improve overall well-being.

Our Senior Physiotherapist Claire, is trained in the treatment of headaches, using the Dean Watson Headache technique.


The Dean Watson Headache Technique

The Dean Watson Headache Technique, also known as the Watson Headache® Approach, is a specialised physiotherapy technique developed by Australian physiotherapist Dean Watson. This approach focuses on assessing and treating headaches and migraines that are caused by dysfunction in the upper cervical spine (neck).

The technique involves a detailed assessment to identify specific headache triggers and the presence of cervical dysfunction. It recognises that certain neck structures, such as the upper cervical joints, ligaments, and muscles, can refer pain to the head, resulting in headaches. By addressing these underlying issues, the technique aims to provide long-lasting relief from headache symptoms.

Treatment with the Dean Watson Headache Technique typically involves gentle manual therapy techniques, including mobilisations and sustained pressures, applied to the upper cervical spine. These techniques aim to restore normal movement and reduce pain by addressing the dysfunction in the cervical structures.


The technique also emphasises patient education, empowering individuals to understand their headaches and adopt self-management strategies. Patients are taught postural corrections, relaxation techniques, and exercises to enhance neck mobility and strengthen supporting muscles. Lifestyle modifications, such as ergonomics and stress management, may also be addressed to prevent future headache episodes.

The Dean Watson Headache Technique has gained recognition for its effectiveness in treating various types of headaches, including tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and some migraines. However, it is important to note that individual responses may vary, and a thorough assessment by a trained practitioner is necessary to determine the suitability of this approach for each patient.

Overall, the Dean Watson Headache Technique offers a specialized and comprehensive approach to managing headaches by targeting the underlying cervical dysfunction and empowering individuals with self-management strategies for long-term relief.