Women’s and Men’s Pelvic Health and Incontinence
Does your bladder leak with physical exertion or a sudden sneeze or cough? Do you often have a strong sudden urge to go to the toilet? Do you go to the toilet more than eight times a day or twice at night? Do you need to strain to empty your bladder or bowel? Do you have recurrent bladder infections? Are you embarrassed to leave the house because of bladder leakage?
You may have a bladder or bowel control problem, the most common condition of which is urinary incontinence. One in three women who have had a baby experience incontinence. However urinary and faecal incontinence are not normal and you don’t have to put up with it! Book a consultation with a continence physiotherapist at Physio Group South West and see how we can help. We use real-time ultrasound (non-invasive) for a full assessment of your pelvic floor and can then give you the right advice and treatment to manage your incontinence.