Pre- and Post-surgical Rehabilitation

Pre- and Post-surgical Rehabilitation

Surgical Rehabilitation Services

Have you had surgery on one or more of your joints? How about your tendons or ligaments? Are your muscles affected because of surgery?

Unfortunately, once you leave the operating theatre the hard work is not over. Your surgeon will have repaired the tissue as best as possible, however it is up to you to look after the area and start exercising it as soon as you’re able. Exercise is crucial in optimising your results, regaining full movement and strength and get you back to your previous function quicker – whether that means work and sports or gardening and home maintenance. Surgery has a major effect on your body, including the wasting of muscles, reduced joint movement that can cause stiffness, reduced circulation and pain.

We follow evidence-based, structured post-surgical protocols and liaise closely with your specialist to ensure a smooth recovery. You do not need a referral to come and see us.

If you need to have surgery, it is highly recommended you start physiotherapy before your operation to ensure your muscles, joints and ligaments are in the best possible condition before surgery in order to optimise and speed up your rehabilitation after the surgery. Physiotherapy before an operation is known as “pre-hab”.

Common surgeries that require post-op physiotherapy:

  • joint replacements eg hip, knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow
  • ligament repairs (reconstruction) eg ankle, shoulder
  • knee surgeries eg acl, pcl, mcl or lcl repair, meniscus repair, tibial tuberosity transfer
  • debridement surgeries
  • removal of cancerous tissue eg in the breast
  • tendon repairs eg Achilles tendon repair, shoulder rotator cuff repair
  • spinal surgery eg discectomy, fusion, scoliosis repair
  • after a fracture or traumatic injury

Physiotherapy can help with:

  • pain relief
  • regaining full movement
  • improving flexibility
  • improving circulation
  • improving strength and endurance of muscles
  • facilitating healing
  • advice regarding mobility and aids eg crutches and braces
  • scar tissue advice and massage
  • reducing the risk of re-injury
  • return to pre-surgical function