(08) 9734 5620

22 Harvey Street
Collie WA 6225

(08) 9797 1111

Suite 1/1 Mulgara St
Australind WA 6233


Women's health, men's health and incontinence

Did you know… 1 in 3 women who’ve had a baby wet themselves?

What a sobering thought, that if it’s not you who leaks with a sneeze, cough or laugh, then it must be some of your friends who do, but you wouldn’t know, would you, because no one likes to talk about it. What a shame!!

Continence (or lack of it) can be as minor to needing to cross your legs when you laugh, to a major problem with managing bowel movements. The good news is that nearly everyone can be helped—it is NOT normal to leak and physiotherapy can help you take your control of your bladder and bowel-no more wet knickers!!

We can help you by doing a thorough assessment of your lifestyle, fluid intake, pelvic floor strength and other factors which may impact on your ability to be fully continent at all times, in all situations. Our physiotherapists have undertaken further training to be able to give you the best possible care in a caring and supportive environment.

Being free from the fear of an “accident” might be the best gift you can give yourself!

At Physio Group South West, our physiotherapists are trained to help you get in control of this issue that affects over 4.8 million Australians. Don’t continue to suffer. Make a booking with one of our friendly consultants today.

Collie: (08) 9734 5620

Harvey: (08) 9729 3071

Australind: (08) 9797 1111


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