
Lateral Ankle Sprain
Lateral Ankle sprains are common in many sports including AFL, netball and basketball. These injuries occur when the ankle rolls outwards (inversion) causing excess strain along the ligaments on the outside of the ankle. With physio these injuries usually take 6-8 weeks before the player is ready to go back to sport. Although if not managed properly these injuries can become an ongoing problem with 20-50% experiencing long term symptoms following injury.
In the acute phase we want to settle the ankle down by avoiding any aggravating movements or activities, elevating the ankle and applying compression. You can also perform gentle movements at the ankle (eg. Moving feet up and down and making circles with ankles) if pain free.
In the intermediate phase strength, range of motion and balance exercise are important. This can include exercises like calf raises, balancing on 1 leg and resisted eversion (pointing the foot out) using a theraband.
The later stages have a larger focus on return to sport. This stage incorporates plyometric exercises (ie. Jumping/hopping), change in direction exercises and sport specific exercises.
Your physiotherapist will set you up with an individualised treatment plan and an exercise program that will be progressed over the 6-8 weeks to allow a safe return to sport.